
Robertson began writing under different monikers including R.B Terson and Algernon B. Alterdoom his “Oscar Wilde inspired nom de plumage”

Published Works

Aphids & Aphorisms, which was in Robertson’s brain since at least 2014 and originally titled Snowflake Oblivion was published in June 2023. A book of word-plays and musings, and not meant to be read in any order.

The hardcover print edition can be ordered through Blurb if you would like your own copy: https://www.blurb.com/b/11598498-aphids-and-aphorisms-deluxe-edition

Examining video game immersion as a flow state
Undergraduate research that was presented at the 108th Annual Psychological Association Conference in 2000.

A philosophical query, are items on youtube considered a published work? Here is the first of a series

Thinking Slowly Out Loud: Failure
We haven’t located any further drafts for other episodes. If you are aware of them please let us know.

Unpublished Works

Born an Artist
(unknown date)

There are two versions, one melancholy and another happier, Robertson had intended the melancholy version to be experienced first.

— Well my child —

Well my child, I’m sorry to tell you, you were born an artist.
Yes, you are going to subjectively experience everything
in amazing QuALitaTive ways, but it’s a quant-i-tat-ive world.
The way you experience things
may take you most of your life
to transcribe and translate and transcode
into mediums that people can parse
and comprehend.
You may be vilified or regaled for your expressions of translation.
Hopefully not solely praised for a single form of your translation
which enslaves and defines you and becomes labeled as your
Hopefully not ignored or considered an ‘also ran’.
Of course, this is assuming you finish things.
You’re going to live a life of isolation in crowds
and frustraten in comfort and fall prey to insecurity and possibly addiction and people.
{ stay away from the hard stuff }
but your propensity for repeated behaviour
The only thing that will save you is the thing you most detest.

Routine about your life so you can do your work.
Routine in your life so it can be about your work.
Routine to get up every day at the same time.
Routine to get up every day and move.
Routine to get up every day and write.
Routine to get up every day and draw.
Routine to get up every day and eat food you enjoyed preparing.
Routine to get up every day and move.
Routine to get up every day and nap to refresh, not in exhaustion or
succor or desperation.
Routine to go outside and make social contact and not need to talk
about the work you’re not doing or plan to do or will do or would have done. Because you are doing

Routine to sleep at the same time and actually be rested.

And you will thrash at this collar. It will chafe and it will grind.
You will drink stolen tequila and play with drum machines until 4am.
But not even the greatest things you create that you can’t remember
will save you.

For it is this collar that frees you, for it is only the part of yourself

hopes and never does, dreams and never acts
that will kill you.
And each day the sun rises.
Because that’s the gift the space orb we live on gives to you,
that it can be the same and you can live in it creating what you
are need be.

Well my child, I’m happy to tell you, you were born an artist.
You are going to experience everything
in AmAzIng QuALitaTive ways,
and bring colour and music to this quant-i-tat-ive world.
The way you experience things
will be an incredible life journey to transcribe and translate and transcode into mediums that people can share
and wonder.

Peacefully enjoy your supporters as well as your detractors
for they are participating in the communication.
No need to feel too attached to any single form of your translation
enjoy each way you are able to create.
Enjoy being in the work itself as you are creating it.
Creation is a verb, not a noun.
You’re going to live a life of inspiration in crowds
and comfort in compassion
and leap
forward suddenly mastering challenges you didn’t think possible.
{ aim straight for the hard stuff ! }
Here is how you finish things.
USE your propensity for repeated behavior
One of your many life affirming traits.

IS the thing you easily adopt.

Routine about your life so you can do your work.
Routine in your life so it can be about your work.
Routine to get up every day at the same time.
Routine to get up every day and move.
Routine to get up every day and write.
Routine to get up every day and draw.
Routine to get up every day and eat food you enjoyed preparing.
Routine to get up every day and move.
Routine to get up every day and nap. Naps are the BEST.
Routine to go outside and meet people that inspire you as you
inspire them.
Routine to sleep at the same time and wake up super rested.

And you will enjoy this new sweater. It will warm and it will cuddle.
You will marvel at your ever growing body of work and leap out of
bed to play with drum machines because you are awake & ready
4am !

But even the greatest things you create need not be all it’s about.

For it is this sweater that frees you, for it is only the part of yourself
that hopes and does, dreams and acts that is the life you live inside.
And each day the sun rises.
Because that’s the gift the space orb we live on gives to you,
that it can be the same and you can live in it creating what you


Thoughts on Energy Healing

a summary of Rob’s research and thoughts that he put together while in Osteopathic college [edited for clarity]

An Indian monk brought much of this knowledge to China 3,000 years ago. These are humanities oldest & most tested systems of medicine. Tested for a time scale close to double the length of Western Civilization.

Meridian theory has been tested on a scale we could only dream of in the West. Hundreds of Millions of the population was essentially forced to have it in China since the cultural revolution as they killed so many of their Allopathic doctors.

‘Prana’. Energy Cultivated through Meditation & Yoga. 
Chakras are spiral wheels which interface the human body with the cosmic energy of universe.  These are basically 1 : 1 with our endocrine glands. Ayurveda is their medical system, which is primarily diet based. 
Veda means book. There are a bunch of different Vedas, like architecture.


Chinese : Qi aka Chi. (Ki in Japanese)

Standard Acupuncture is based on 12 medially parallel meridians (3 out, 3 in, on each limb) + an anterior and a posterior one.

These are essentially considered to be a lumen that conducts something akin to electricity, which the Chinese call Qi. All of Chinese medicine is based on Bu Xi or up and down, hot and cold. You don’t want TOO much Qi or TOO little or it causes disease.

When they reference an organ, It doesn’t necessarily mean stomach, but an energy system associated with that whole system.

Then the organs are paired to make an element. There are 5 elements.

Allopathic accepts it by pain gate control theory.


Qi = Air + rice.

Kung Fu should be pronounced Gung Fu. 
This means ‘hard work’ not martial arts. 
Wushu is the word for martial arts.

Piano can be Gong fu. 
learning osteopathy is Gong fu

Qi Gong, means Qi Work.

TaiJi Ch’uan is a formalized exercise system to develop & control Qi within the body slowly.

simplified name as Tai Qi.

you can develop Nei Gong (or internal energy)
or healing Qi Gong, where you emit or feel energy.

Once you can control it in your own body, you can influence other peoples meridian systems.

Only to provide a holding space in a sense. so like compression


Russian research concepts :

meridians are light conducting fibre optics.

They have devices that can show the QI coming out of the body through the acupuncture points, as blue electricity arcs.

Qi that humans can emit to other humans is milli-wave energy.

there are more than 14 acupuncture meridians.


All electricity that moves generates a magnetic field.
Nerves are electricity conducting wires, so you have a magnetic field which surrounds & envelopes your body. You can feel the field. Because you have one too.

kirlian photography is contested as to what we are actually capturing


1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,35, etc.
human body has those boxes as ratios. Spiral is used by nature for shells, cauliflowers, staircases.