This is invisibees, a memorial tribute to the work of Robertson Holt. This website stands as a testament to his passion for pushing the boundaries of sound, film, music, art and writing. Some of the content has been left unedited to preserve the publishing experience as Robertson had intended, in addition to curated pieces to experience his legacy.

This website will be an evolving experience, as more art and writings are slowly added. If you have a creative work from Robertson what you would like to be included please let us know.

We make intangible things.

Experiences :


Skills & Schools :

Osteo Study Guide : Survival Skills and tools for Post Grad Students

Level 256 : Media Production (Content Creation, sysSTEM)

Research & Development :


Friends of these media collectives:

Anatomic Records : Electronic Excursions

Subatomic(Om) : Brainwave Entertainment

Subcarrier Signal Video : Outlier Outsider Happy Noise

Vacuum Tube Workers Union : Analog Pedal Lift